7 Successful ERP Implementation Best Practices

Implementing ERP could be a vital deal to ensure your brand’s productive success. Again it’s a big step for your organization. ERP implementation helps to eliminate your business redundancies, trigger your operational flow, and reinforce your primary business practices from inventory and accounting management to budgetary control, order processing to supply chain management, human resource to payroll management, and more.

To drive efficiency and ameliorate or improve your organizational performance, ERP System Implementation ensures efficiency, accuracy, and overall success. Since ERP adoption can bring a huge impact on your business, thereby, it becomes essential to follow the best practices while integrating your system with ERP solutions like Microsoft Dynamics ERP.

7 Key ERP Implementation Practices Your Should Know

1. Setting Up A Project Team

Initiate by establishing a project team comprising experts from project managers to key representatives across your departments, along with the executive sponsor and other key individuals from the executive level. These people should have a caliber and proficiency to ensure end-to-end project requirements and satisfy the hourly need in terms of requirement gathering, establishing & tracking the day-to-day tasks, steady project management, timely attainment, budgeting & costing management, and analyzing results.

2. Requirement Gathering

Since, your organization imbibes different organizational flow, operational terms, and goals; you need to enlist your primary requirements first invigorating your business goals. Considering lacks in your specific operational flow or the entire, you are required to come up with all the key points helping to improve your existing flow as well as introducing the newbie part just to ensure the brand effectiveness and productive growth.

For instance, your pain requirement could be reducing time cycle & costs, strengthening the decision-making process, boosting the analysis and reporting part, etc. or perhaps you are looking to integrate ERP practices like Microsoft Dynamics ERP with every part of your business to speed up your operational practices for better outcomes ahead.

3. Identifying KPIs

The more you are aware of your requirements, you seamlessly get able to identify your KPIs. According to your specific business contextual needs, you may have different a set of key requirements; it could be improving real-time efficiency in your inventory or ordering pipeline, stats & analysis, sales & demand forecasting, budgeting, etc.

Based on your predefined specific KPIs, you can ask your implementation provider to customize your implementation exhibiting your personalized necessities.

4. Choosing Strategic Implementation Partner

Again it’s crucial to consider choosing the right ERP implementation partner who embraces industry experience and involves years of practice in ERP implementation. They should be capable enough of perceiving your base requirement, your organizational goals, and the core intention behind your implementation decision.

See Also10 Best ERP Systems for Small Businesses in 2023

To ensure sound ERP implementation partner, perform adequate back research, talk to their clients they have worked with, and ensure whether they will provide instant support or training post-implementation. To know more about the implementation process, check our Dynamics 365 Business Central Implementation.

5. Customized Data Migration

Do not allow transferring your data in one go from your existing system to the newly implemented system. Migrate your data in a customized way such as form by form, or else prefer manual data transferring in case you contain a large or complicated database. This will rescue your data from being lost or getting corrupted. Hence, while ensuring data migration, merge key people in your company with your project management team to ensure reliable, error-free, and simplified data transfer.

6. Training & Support

When it comes to adopting a new system, your workforce needs pertinent training to get skilled in the newly implemented system. Moreover, they may require a support system to help them in a timely manner as once they start using the new system, they will start raising questions.

All you need to provide them with a technical help desk in terms of online resources, forums, support agents, etc. The project team should also take part in later stages to diagnose the problem that occurs. If complex problems or errors take place, you may require hiring additional training resources or mentors.

7. End-User Feedback & Implementation

Involving end-users throughout your ERP system implementation helps to accomplish your new system configuration goals. When you engage your users from the very initial stage, you come across whether the newly implemented system is working demonstrating your actual need from the bottom part to the advanced level. For instance, how it’s helping to interact within the organization or connect customers, how it is affecting your sales-driving strategy, etc.

Such feedback can be considered to identify the actual problems as this will let you know the lacks and interruptions people are facing across your workspace and what areas should be improved to ensure successful ERP implementation.

Wrapping Up!

Addressing your distinct business processes and organizational goals, you may involve different implementation needs, hence, you need to acquire a customized ERP implementation plan satisfying your prevailing operations and bolstering your future requirements. Out of the available ERP solutions across the globe, choosing Microsoft Dynamics 365 could be a fruitful deal for your organizational structure.

If you’re looking for a concrete ERP implementation, talk to our Microsoft Consultants today.

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Kapil Jangid

Kapil Jangid is a Digital Marketing expert with an aim of uplifting businesses through cloud-based software as a service (SaaS). He has more than 8+ years of experience working with numerous SaaS companies, driving brand awareness, and enhancing revenue opportunities.


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