The Modern Slavery Act

Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

The general public in the UK has witnessed that some businesses are involved in slavery and human trafficking. This statement is made with regards to Section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and it pertains to the year 2023.

The statement was written on January 7, 2023, and approved and signed by the CEO of Dynamics Square (UK), Manish Goyal, on January 15, 2023.

Business Overview

Dynamics Square was founded in 2011 with the aim of delivering exceptional ERP and CRM-related services to small and large businesses. As Microsoft Certified Dynamics Partners, we have been providing exceptional support services to assist businesses in growing and scaling with minimal effort. At Dynamics Square, we ensure that the human rights of our employees and everyone we do business with, whether directly or indirectly through our supply chain, are fully respected. Also, our commitment aligns with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Policies and Governance

Since 2016, Dynamics Square has implemented a slavery and human trafficking policy. We are deeply committed to conducting our business ethically and with unwavering integrity, ensuring that slavery and human trafficking can be prevented by all means.

Our top-down approach to human rights is evident through our company policy, rigorous due diligence, continuous training and awareness, ongoing risk assessment and management of supply chains, corporate and social responsibility, and compliance.

Our core services are centered around human rights and provide a vast range of IT services to global customers, including the purchasing and selling of IT software. With the new partner or client, we ensure to share our "Partner Agreement" document so that they can confirm their intention to comply with the law and assume responsibility for evaluating the compliance of their employees and partners.

Risk Assessments

At Dynamics Square, we take a firm stand against all forms of slavery and have a zero-tolerance policy towards any instances of human trafficking. Similarly, we are committed to upholding human rights and ensuring that slavery is not present in any of our operations.

After carefully assessing the regions where we do business, the sectors we operate in, and our supply chains, we have determined that the risk of modern slavery or forced labor within our business or supply chains is very low. However, if any potential issues related to modern slavery or forced labor arise, we will conduct a thorough investigation and take appropriate action to address any identified concerns.

We strongly encourage all employees to report any concerns related to modern slavery, and they may do so in a confidential and anonymous manner. At Dynamics Square, we remain fully committed to upholding human rights and preventing any instances of slavery or forced labor within our operations and entire supply chains.


Our human rights and slavery programme depends on individuals' understanding of critical issues and the legal requirements of our business. However, there must be a thorough understanding of identifying a risk and managing it accordingly. We consider it essential for all our employees to have a clear understanding of the risks associated with modern slavery and human trafficking.

To that end, we require all our employees to read our company policies to gain a comprehensive understanding of Dynamics Square's values, including our unequivocal stance that slavery and human trafficking have no place in our business.

Further Steps

We ought to take these following steps to tackle slavery and human trafficking.

  • We will continue to review our approach, evaluate our policies, and find the gaps within our company's operations to find any source of modern slavery.
  • We will continue to empower our people, partners, and third parties against modern slavery and human trafficking.
  • We will continue to make improvements to our vendor or supplier screening processes to find any acts of human slavery and eliminate them from our system.
manish signature

Manish Goyal


Dynamics Square (UK)

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